This product contains the following special ingredients and benefits to care for your dog’s health and wellbeing: James Wellbeloved dog food turkey with 100% natural turkey. Dry dog food with a natural source of antioxidants from kale & fibre from quinoa. Naturally Hypoallergenic adult dog food for dogs with skin and stomach sensitivities. Omega 3 & 6 Oils – Turkey and kale dog food to promote healthy skin and glossy coat. James Wellbeloved Dog Food with Natural Prebiotics – Inulin from chicory, helping to maintain a healthy gut flora. Natural Antioxidants – Adult dog food with kale, pomegranate, green tea and rosemary to support your dog’s natural defences. Based in Somerset, James Wellbeloved has been making nutritionally complete pet food since 1992. Naturally hypoallergenic, it’s gentle on the digestion. With a blend of dietary fibres for firmer poos and omega fatty acids for a glossy coat, it’ll help keep your pet active, happy and healthy, from the inside out.
James Wellbeloved Superfoods Adult Dry Dog Food Turkey with Kale & Quinoa – 10kg
RRP: £75.05
3 in stock
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