Just 6 Carefully Selected Ingredients for taste, nutrition & digestion Complete, grain-free wet dog food with over 70% freshly prepared lamb. THE JUST 6 PROMISE With Just 6 simple ingredients that you know and recognise, you can feel good knowing this tasty recipe gives all the natural goodness your dog needs and more. Nothing they don’t. Lamb Sweet Potato Peas Potato Salmon Oil Vegetable Stock 70% FRESHLY PREPARED LAMB Not only does the high meat content make it delicious, but diets rich in protein also provide the nutrients for a happy, healthy dog. NATURAL & FRESH Our recipe is packed with the finest freshly prepared lamb, blended with farm-grown vegetables and oils rich in vitamins and nutrients to create a healthy, delicious food your dog will love. EASY TO DIGEST Our delicious grain-free recipe makes sure you can trust what your dog is eating and helps manage food sensitivities naturally. The combination of simple ingredients, carbohydrates and minerals naturally promote better gut health. FRESHCOOK™ TECHNOLOGY Our unique FreshCook™ method is better at locking in nutritional content than other methods and uses human-grade quality ingredients that are freshly prepared. CARBON NEGATIVE COOKING Proudly made in the UK by the country’s 1st Carbon Negative large pet food manufacturer.
Harringtons Just 6 Lamb – 380g, case of 8
RRP: £19.20
5 in stock
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