-This complementary wet dog food is simple and highly nutritious. With 90% lamb and added minerals, this tasty meal is designed to be added alongside a quality mixer of your choice to create a tailored meal for your dog’s diet.
Grain-free and gently steamed to retain as much natural goodness and flavour, this complementary meal is easily digestible for even the most sensitive of tummies. We keep our hypoallergenic recipes clean from any junk or fillers too to ensure only the best for your dog.
To use this complementary meal, simply add a good quality mixer such as our dry food or your own selection of carbohydrates.
Lamb (90%), minerals.
Analytical Constituents:
Crude Protein 11%, Crude Fibres 0.2%, Crude Fat 8%, Crude Ash 4%, Moisture 75%.
Nutritional Additives:
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